Saturday 19 November 2011

Naturally Treat Migraine Headaches - Medical Marijuana

What is Migraine?

Migraine is not; repeat not, just a bad headache.  It is a recognized neurological disease and the most common one.  It affects people from every strata of society and two-thirds of sufferers are female.  The condition is most common between the ages of 20-50 years but can occur at any time – my own migraines started when I was 10 years old.

Migraine attacks last for between four hours and seventy-two and can come on very suddenly.  That colleague of yours who is of sick with a migraine is not just having a duvet day or ‘pulling a sickie.’

Medical Marijuana for Migraine

The beneficial effects of marijuana are well known for migraine treatment, the terrible headaches which can sometimes last from a few minutes to a couple of days and that are usually associated with queasiness. Migraines affect millions of people worldwide every day.

Some of the migraine causes are “mental disorder” like epilepsy which involves important changes of the neurotransmitters, especially those of the serotonins.

The medical marijuana was used for the first time in India in the sixth century. In the Victorian era, marijuana tincture was used very often. In one of the first medical books that appeared in 1915, Dr. William Osler thought that the cannabis was ”the best remedy” for the treatment of migraines. Sir William. R. Growers, a famous English neurologist, used the medical cannabis tincture every time a patient had a migraine and he tried many times to find the proper dose until he finally found it.

Nowadays, many people around the world who suffer from headaches or migraines use Medical Marijuana because it provides major relief. Its effects are fast and accurate because it easily enters your blood system and you feel much better in a couple of minutes rather than a couple of hours like with a usual pill.

Medicinal Marijuana is often used for patients suffering from cancer. The only problem with migraine and treatment of medicinal marijuana, as well as lung problems you get from smoking, is that the beneficial effect usually lasts several hours. This is the main reason why people turn away from this treatment and began to search for other types of pills that could help them.

A large percentage of migraine sufferers are not exempt from conventional medicines. Many have found that marijuana eliminates the need for prescription drugs and want to avoid undesirable side effects of these drugs. Other benefits of marijuana are a better sleep, reduced stress and anxiety, and overall improvement in their quality of life.

If you suffer from migraines, medication side effects of migraine headaches or looking for a natural alternative treatment for migraines, THC Support call services and make an appointment with one of our doctors’ compassion and knowledge.

Medical marijuana Dispensariesin Long Beach is to find all clinics near your area. If you have a problem finding local cannabis Dispensaries can visit our web site call our hotline 1-800-594-2260. He is an expert on medical marijuana to help you find suitable for treatment.

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